Taming The Game Bird – Game Cooking And More

Bringing game meat from field to fork, we aim to give game a name again.
Most of our game is sadly exported to Asia and China. Why on earth are we not cooking and eating these seasonal wonders. A lean meat, healthy, has lived a good life in the great outdoors, we are fools to not eat more pheasant, partridge, pigeon, rabbit, venison, wild duck or grouse.
When beautiful posts from the Exmoor Game Co. started appearing on Instagram, we wanted to collaborate. Jack is based in Wellington and brings sustainable game meat to the table. This course is designed to show you the wonders of what nature gifts us, that hasn’t been grow in a shed, pumped full of steroids, overfed grain, fattened up on processed foods in time periods that are unreal in nature.
We will start by talking about Somerset and the wonderful game that we have running around the hills and moors. The history of game and shooting. The seasons, the sustainability and the health benefits of these wonderfully lean feathered and four-legged friends.
You will find out the exact origin or the hill that the game we are working with has grazed on for its entire life. You will learn how to pluck a pheasant and not just cut out the breasts which is so wasteful. We will debone a gamebird and we will roast the bones and make stock. With the stock we will make a spiced pumpkin and pheasant stock velouté. This is great little shoot snack with homemade scotch eggs and tomato chilli jam. We will talk about the best ways to cook lean meat, like the poaching method. Slow cooking things like rabbit and venison and if you are lucky Jack might make an appearance to talk about his passion for game and keeping it in the UK.
We will make a raised game pie with a hot water crust. This is a delicious show-stopping centrepiece to wow even the best cooks at your table. We will braise pheasants with endives. You will learn how to season string meat like venison by making Chinese style venison burgers with juniper, star anise and herbs. We will bake some home-made brioche buns and make a homemade seasonal slaw. If we manage to get our hands on some rabbit we will make a ragu, slow cooked in the Rayburn or Esse ELX 990. We can make some fresh pasta to go with this or we can stuff some empanadas (mini Argentine pasties). Depending on what game we can get hold of for this specialist course, means that we will tailor each course to the meat that comes in fresh off the shoot. If you shoot your own game, you can bring that along too.
Lunch included
Price: £200 per person
Course limited to 4 people
Group Offers available
Enquire with Miranda on 07899665635. Dates must be agreed and booked in advance.